(559) 625-9426
West Coast Wood Industries Header Safety


(559) 625-9426

Our work priorities change as needed to meet customer and market demands, but our Core Values don't ever change. We are committed to Safety, Service, and Stewardship. These values permeate everything we do. We believe that you will notice the difference.

Our commitment to Safety reflects the great value we place on people and life. There is nothing we do that is worth getting hurt over. We will never ask one of our team members to risk his or her life or limb, and we will never put a customer, supplier, or member of the community at risk.

WC Wood Industries is committed to an injury-free and accident-free workFORCE. Achieving such a goal is hard work and it does not happen overnight. But the commitment and quality of the folks at Wood Industries has resulted in best-in-class safety performance.

We believe that every injury and accident is avoidable. We believe that life is a precious gift. We believe that safety is good business. We believe that the small things really do matter, and that it doesn't always happen to someone else. And with that mind-set, let’s get to work!

We believe you will notice that WC Wood Industries is not just any ordinary company. Call us today, and let us make a difference on your project today.

All Contents Copyrighted © 2005-2010 WC Wood Industries