(559) 625-9426
West Coast Wood Industries Header Rocks


(559) 625-9426

River Rock

river rock Available in many different sizes, this naturally round stone is an excellent choice for flowerbeds or side yards. Gray and tan in color, these products have no sharp edges so they will cause no harm to pets or people when walking on them. Sizes- Pea gravel 3/8", ¾", 1½", 2"-4", 4"-8".

Cobble Stone

cobblestone Available in 2"-4" and 4"-8", the cobble is perfect for lawn edging or filling in complete flowerbeds.

Crushed Stone

crushed stone Blue-grey in color, this stone works well for landscaping either driveways or paths. Available in the following sizes: ½", ¾", 2".

Decomposed Granite (DG)

Decomposed Granite A favorite among landscapers and homeowners, this DG compacts well and is perfect for pathways, driveways, and approaches.

Gold Decomposed Granite

gold decomposed granite Gold-grey in color, this DG is ideal for pathways and using between stone pavers as well as driveways and approaches.

Don't see what you're looking for? No problem! Just give us a call to let us know and we can get it for you. Don't forget that delivery is available on all our products!

Get a Quote!
P: 559-625-9426
E: info@woodindustries.com

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